Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Corner Office

To initiate a conversation with a young people,  give them the softball question: "What do you want out of life?" Sometimes their trite answer is "I want it all." Now you can press them: "What do mean by 'it all' ?" Now they begin their list:

a loving spouse, a house in the suburbs, a BMW, a baby, the corner office, ...

"The Corner Office", this is a fun one.   If your company works on a floor of an office building there are only 4 corner offices, each with a view on two sides. So these offices must go to the higher company officers; managers, VPs, presidents, ... So "the corner office" is just a euphemism for advancement in the company.

In Taiwan, there are few such "corner offices". The corner of the office building are often a blunt diagonal, not a corner.
 This is style has a start from long ago, the buildings from Japan time have this feature.
 Some of it has to do with building right up to the curb with the sidewalk covered by the floors above the first floor. (In Taiwan, the "first floor" is what would be the "main floor" in the US.)

 Spce usage is probably the main reason but I also believe that corners have bad Feng Shui, a corner "points" across to someone else. Nobody likes to be pointed at.

Other Irritations
Another irritation with young people is that they seldom plan ahead. Maybe because everything is instantaneous on the web, they feel there is never a need to plan and so all can be done at the last minute. Anything done at the last minute is done incompletely, if there is a problem then there is no time to correct it.

Nobody is good at "multitasking". "Multitasking ability" just means having the ability to mess up several tasks at the same time. 

Particularly irritating is that usage of "ASAP". Unless you employ me, don't tell me ASAP. Only for money should I reply ASAP.

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