Friday, February 22, 2013

My favorite pet, urban chickens, a trusting mother

I saw my favorite pet to day of the streets of Taipei. It was an elephant! I think every child could have this elephant as a pet. Even though it was an elephant, I think it would be easy to feed and easy to clean up after.

I can say with certainty that this pet goes exactly where you lead it.
Right now the child is going where the her mother leads her, but I can guarantee that in the future this little girl might not follow her mother so willingly.
Lest you think I am against all animals, I want you to know that some animals visit us regularly. When we sleep too late in the morning we are woken by these guys.
Their cooing sounds much better than a rooster crowing and pigeons general wait for a more reasonable hour.
Many times, when some ask what a strange meat(snake, grasshoppers, frogs, ... )
tastes like the answer is: "It tastes like chicken." I recently heard that the name for a frog is mainland China is "tiánjī" 田雞. Which translates into English as:
Field Frog. So frog meat really is like chicken.

Here is a picture of the most trusting mother in Taiwan, she has let her baby girl hold what will be irreplaceable if lost.

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