Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Construction Signs

Taipei is a city on the move, there is construction everywhere. New buildings, new subway lines, new parks, ... One of the reasons for the building construction is that land prices in Taipei are going up for centrally located plots. With land prices going up it makes sense(economic sense) to tear down that 2 story apartment building and replace it with a 20 story office building.

Some of the pressure on land prices comes from Taiwanese moving from the countryside and southern Taiwan to the "big city" Taipei. Some of the pressure comes from mainland Chinese finding a new place to spent their money, like they did in Hong Kong.

There is a peculiar genre of construction signs at the construction sites. It catches my eyes because the signs are in both Chinese and English.
The characters in the signs always look like cartoon characters.
Sometimes they look like Laurel and Hardy.
Sometimes the message is very clear, whether in Chinese or English.
But there always seems to be a self-deprecating, humorous message that counters the inconvenience with some humour.

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