Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It has been a great 5 months in Taiwan. Plenty of accomplishments for both of us given the constraint that we had to stay near MacKay Hospital.

Florence and me
         Got my eyes fixed
         Finished the translation of Uncle's memoir
         Visited Alishan, Jiaoshi, Ilan, HsinChu, 
                      Taizhong, MacKay Hospital
         Visited the GuGong, Michaelangelo exhibit,
                      Makong Gondola, JingMei, ZhongShan,
                      GuChiFung and the Flower Exhibit
          Listen to Audio books from libraries in US
              Johnathan Franzen(2), Chad Harnach(1),
              Anne Tyler(3), Ha Jin(1),
              Voices of the South short stories(4)

         Arranged a trip to US for 36 of her relatives
         Got know her relatives better
         Learned some Mah Jhong
         Did some massage
         Learned to eat and cook well

         Knot program
         Arduino project
         Learned some Chinese
         Taught some English
         Kept up this blog
         Visit to Tainan

This is the fourth year that I have spent a half year in Taiwan. Even within these years, it seems Taiwan has been changing. The old ways are giving way to the new. It use to be that education was the only way to get ahead, but now there are many more ways to success. Like everywhere, success in defined in terms of wealth and fame. But even here, some Taiwanese are defining success on their own terms. 

In the past, we could never see such a sign, an advertisement for a children's clothing store. Nothing was more important than school.
But the world nowadays belongs to the young. This is probably the way all over the world. They have their own goals.
It's just hard to understand them, oh well, someday they'll grow up too.

Over and out.

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